What Makes Us Distinctively Christian
Christian Discipleship
We have a vision to support the Christian parent who desires a biblically-based education for their child. Thus, we require at least one parent have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ the Lord, and that their relationship with Him be fortified and strengthened through a regular life of devotion and church attendance.
We have a faculty and staff that are extremely dedicated to Christ. Each of them has a calling to minister to the needs of our students, praying for God’s perfect will to be established in each of their developing lives.
We use a teaching curriculum that promotes critical thinking, the mastery of a subject, practical application, and a biblical worldview. Coupled with our experienced Christian faculty, this will prove to be a blessing in your child’s educational experience.
We have an environment that emphasizes Christ-like principles, morals and values. Since our school is a ministry of the church, our mission is to ensure that your child be given the best opportunity to develop strong intellectual and moral character, and a Christian perspective on the total worldview. This is accomplished by providing an academic setting that seeks the richest fulfillment of potential for each student.
Our purpose is to train the whole person so that they will develop according to the example of our Lord Jesus Christ – a godly influence in the world.